What Is The Minimum Deposit Limit ?
First Deposit Minimum Limit Is 1500
Second Deposit Minimum Limit Is 1000
How Much Fees Pak Ads Take ?
First Deposit We Take 50% Fees On Amount
Second Deposit We Take 30% Fees On Amount
How Long Can I Use My Google Ads Account ?
You Can Use Your Google Ads Account Lifetime Ads Long You Use Your Account Regularly.
Note: You Have To Open Your Google Ads Account At Least Once In The Last 30 Days.
If You Did Not Use Your Account In The Period If 30 Day
Your Google Ads Get Removed And It's Not Recoverable
And No Refund Apply On This Account.
How Much Time It Will Take To Receive My Account ?
Once Your Payment Confirms Its Takes Only 10 Minutes To Add Fund In Your Google Ads Account.
Can I Receive Any Refund ?
All Refund Policies Will Disable After 8-June-2024
What HappendIf My Account Balance Get Zero ?
If Your Account Balance Is Less Then 10 Rs For 24 Hour We Will Cancel Your Account And Its Not Recoverable.